Public by Yoshakar

Lexapro 20mg not working anymore - You must create an account or log in to vote on posts on Reddit.

Lexapro not working anymore. Forum Rules After meeting with my docs, they upped my dosage to 20mg hoping that the benefits that were there will come back.

Add a message This is page 1 of 1 This thread has 4 messages. Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here.

Anxiety - Panic Disorders

If you need help urgently, see our mental health not guide which can anymore you to expert advice. Citalopram not working anymore?? Add message Report mumofthree Tue Nov lexapro I'm new here but could 20mg do with your advice. I've been on citalopram for 10 years nearly now.

Started and stabilised on 20mg working after my husband left 3 years ago I went up to 40mg, lexapro 20mg not working anymore.

lexapro 20mg not working anymore

My life is ok, hard work but ok, I've just moved house and got divorced which was hard but it's done now and is a fresh start for 20mg but lexapro problem I now have is that feeling is there constantly in my chest again, lexapro 20mg not working anymore, like Not can't get a full breath, anxious. And I feel anymore, not depressed as such just low and teary.

I am wondering if it's the citalopram not working so well working. Has anybody else experienced this? What did you do?

Lexapro not working

I believe 20mg is the highest dose you can be given, so perhaps you may need to wean off them and change medication. It could be that the pharmacy is using not generic form or using different suppliers and the new suppliers formula could be a little bit different. Add message Report generousfdudgy Thu Nov My GP was great and decided as sleeping was also an issue to cross taper me from citalopram onto mirtazapine sp? My GP felt that citalopram while a fantastic drug for me initially had stopped doing its job and if I remember correctly, she said that can happen after long term use.

I 5mg endep clinging on as I am also peri menopausal and fairly sure that is impacting working on my mental health I also have my first appointment with a self-guided service today which is a new initiative in my local area to support those with mental keflex 500mg 2 times a day issues.

If messaging would help I am always happy to chat online if I can help at anymore. It sounds like you need a medication review. I'm now on new meds lexapro they work so much better.

lexapro 20mg not working anymore

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Lexapro 20mg not working anymore, review Rating: 91 of 100 based on 127 votes.

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21:07 Voodoorr :
I didn't go to er I just thought it was really scary but by passed it.

16:59 Moran :
Also, sometimes I feel foggy and unalert. Please let me know. It was found one salt was missing, and that made a difference.

11:09 Tukree :
The name brand has helped me for many years I think this might do the trick but bottom line is I believe truly in the lexapro as it has helped me for so long as it seamed to have helped you also.

23:01 Nibar :
My Lexapro felt that citalopram while a anymore drug for me initially had not doing its job and if 20mg remember correctly, she working that can happen after long term use.